Friday, April 24, 2009

Starting Off Fresh

I know that I have been absent for awhile, but that is all about to change! A lot has happened since my last post in November including the recent formation of my duo music group, Twenty-Nine Miles with my co-worker, S. We have had a couple gigs this year in Union at Van Gogh's Ear and are looking for more. Stay tuned for future dates.

On the beer front, another one of my co-workers, lets call her E, graciously asked me roll on her Brewskee Ball team, Brews Springstein this Spring. For everyone who isn't aware, Brewskee Ball is a fantastic sport that marries the infamous boardwalk game, skee ball, with beer. I have been an alternate for the team before, but I have to say knowing that I get to roll every Wednesday for my shot at the high rollers list makes my week a little bit brighter!

For information on the new skeeson check out